Lifting income generating activities (IGAs)

Through its network, Bamunanika Education Foundation has deep knowledge and experience in executing the livelihood interventions through supporting various income generating activities.

This is done through training the local farmers on improved agricultural practices and thereafter distribute to them improved crop varieties and animal breeds like high yielding maize seeds and improved breed of piglets.

This has increased the yields from the crop production and animal rearing hence boasting the household income of the targeted beneficiaries in the implementation area.

During the past 3 years, Bamunanika Education Foundation has supported 3000-local farmers with 30MT of improved maize seeds, 300,000 coffee cuttings, 6,000 piglets of improved breed.

Formed 300 VSLAs (4,500 members) with cumulative saving of UGX 300,000,000; 25-Farmer groups received 1-tractor + ploughs, 3-tricycles (benefiting 2500HH); Farmers enrolled in 2020 have increased their HH incomes: (a) 15 groups [225 members] sold 622 bags of cassava for UGX 333,000,000; (b) 10-farmer groups earned UGX 119,612,000 and 231,000,000 from beans and maize respectively. 300HH gaining over UGX 90,000,000 from the piggery project.

  1. Happiness in the household of the elderly

This is a culturally contextualized community giving back/support approach targeting the poor, vulnerable and disabled elderly people aged 70 years and above. Bamunanika Education Foundation with funding from Owek. Hon.Dr. JC. Muyingo during the past 3 years, BEF supported over 300 elderly headed households with food, hygiene and sanitation items including posho, rice, sugar, soap, basins, blankets, mattress, bedsheets and others to the identified target people in operation. BEF supports in constructing temporary houses to the elderly without shelters. This approach has enabled many elderly people in the BEF area of operation live a happy life hence contributing to an increment in their lifespan.

The key findings from our-livelihood programming include;

(a) Increased financial inclusion of the poor and less-privileged households plus linkages created to formal and non-formal saving and credit-based interventions

 (b) Enhanced carrying capacity of allocated land for increased food productivity and diversification all year-round

 (c) improved production, productivity, and added value (local processing) of agricultural products for local and regional markets

 (d) increased income generating opportunities for small service providers / craftsperson’s supported through flexible demand and market-oriented skills trainings

(c) increased access to internship and job opportunities in local private sector

(d) increased livelihood opportunities by strengthening value chains and market linkages for the communities


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